Monday, February 08, 2010

Truckin' along

So I thought perhaps it's time to check in on the New Year's "would like to" list.

I have begun waking up 10 minutes early each day, to meditate. This is only about a week old practice, but you have to start somewhere, so I choose here.

Not only am I continuing to walk every day (barring extreme weather), I'm walking twice a day! Go me!

I am saving more money and have a plan for the larger expenses we see coming later this year (dental work, vacation, new car). Money doesn't grow on trees, but hopefully with my new dedication, it won't need to.

I've set up phone dates with several friends, and am about to learn how to work the webcam!

Even though the year is only 39 days old, I can already say "that's a great start!"

Blessings on everyone!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Good Job, Jess! Sounds like you are really making a go of it! I'm proud of you!