Friday, August 17, 2012

Good night, and thanks for all the fish

Year 32 has come to an end. I am working on a book, and am - if you can believe it - being interviewed about the project. Check it out at Creative Crybabies.

Thank you to everyone who supported me, encouraged me, gave me loopholes and cheats to keep me going. I missed a couple days, but the error rate was less than 1%. Since that leaves more than a 99% success rate, and we round up 'round here, I'm gonna call that 100% and pat myself on the back.

My parents fixed our camera for us as a birthday gift to me, so the wibbly-wobbly is gone, which makes using it pretty enjoyable again. So I promise to keep taking pictures; I will post the best for your perusal and will endeavor not to burn your eyes with the dreck. But I'm not attempting this project again... at least not any time soon.

Happy New Year - here's to year 33!


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