Sunday, February 12, 2012


I have some confessions to make.

First, I narrowly avoided having nothing to post for a couple recent days. I had to scrounge through all available camera options, even checking my iPod camera roll, to see where the missing days were.

That's pathetic.

The second confession, I think, directly results in the first. I'm getting bored of this. I don't have as much leisure as I thought I would to find new and interesting things to take photos of. I get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Weekends don't vary much from that pattern. As such, I'm not stretching myself to do this nearly as much as I expected to.

Third - this isn't actually a confession - the camera is getting tired. It's Hubs' camera, which he had several years before I met him. It's probably seen more use in the past 6 months than in all the years before I turned 32. The gears inside are getting wibbly and we can't afford to repair it. We especially can't afford a new camera yet. So I use my camera phone and even - gasp - my iPod, on a few recent occasions. Plus, I revel in the freedom of not carrying the bulky camera bag. (Ok, that last part was a confession.)

I am noticing that my photos suffer. They are not interesting - subjects are being repeated time and again. They are poor quality - how much quality can an iPod, a camera phone and wibbly-geared camera afford?

I am getting frustrated and I want to quit.

But, I also don't want to look back and think that I gave up. I want to see this moment where two paths diverged - tomorrow marks exactly half of the year left! - and see that I chose the path that challenged me. I feel like I fight this routine every day. But this is part of learning a new thing, right? You have to challenge yourself when it's hard, when it's no fun, when it's not inspiring. And, it's part of personal growth. Do I choose to live up to the commitment I made, even if it was only to myself?

I don't know if any of you out there in the interwebs care, if you're even checking this blog on a semi-regular basis anymore. Believe me, I know how sketchy I've been about posting lately; I don't blame you if you've written me off. I remember passing around those fliers, too, but now I see them as maybe too much, too early.

I wonder if I'm allowed to change the rules, as long as it means recommitting? Can I agree to take and post at least one photo every day, as long as I can use my phone? I would like to try that, so that I may compromise and, in so doing, avoid quitting. Can you work with me on that? I really want you all to be proud of me. I'm sorry if I've let you down.



Heather said...

I think you're allowed to do whatever you want and that we support you no matter what. Continuing this project for 6 months is an accomplishment... congrats!
If it fits with your plan at all... I have a small camera you can borrow if you'd like. It's not an slr or anything, but it takes good shots, is great as far as digital cameras go, and is pink. I'm pretty sure you can't get any better than pink. Lemme know if you're interested. And congrats again!

~ jessica said...

Thank you, Heather. I assume you're still reading the blog. :)

I gave myself permission to not fight with the wibbly camera. So I'm going to use my phone for the time being. But I just might take you up on your offer. Once you're settled in, let me know; I'll come visit and liberate Pink from you. (I've named the camera Pink, for obvious reasons.)

Thanks for the support, friend. :)

Ryan Williams said...

I think a year-long commitment to something always involves a bump or two in the road. That is part of the adventure and nature of the commitment. Without a struggle here and there, you would never feel the glory achievement. So keep plugging away at your goal. I think the iPod camera (I have the iPod touch) is a reasonable camera so long as you have light. However, the subject matter is the first thing people will see so try to stretch your mind and look at the world from a new perspective for new material. For example, imagine yourself as a ladybug in a garden, a leaf in the wind, or a rose growing towards the heavens. Perspective can set the entire mood of a scene sometimes.

Good luck J!

~ jessica said...

Thank you, Ryan. I appreciate your support. I do try to change perspective, but clearly not enough. I'll keep working on it.