Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I like words.

A lot.

I like them individually and in groups. I use them to create sentences. I use them as exclamations. I think them and write them. I manipulate them to evoke emotions in others - joy, pity, amusement. Et cetera. (Those are two great words right there!)

I'm updating some Policy & Procedure manuals at work, reading back over the older versions to update and, where necessary, create new. And as I'm reading this particular P&P, I'm thinking to myself "This is so cumbersome. This is so lengthy. This is not very easy to understand. It's so... wordy." And then I wonder "Who wrote this?!"

I did.

I Am Wordy.

That's not what I intended when I fell in love with words. That's not what I had in mind when I decided to use them to express myself. I thought "concise". And "direct". And "emotive" even.

But it turns out, sometimes I'm "cumbersome". And "lengthy". And "wordy".

I learn something about my (wordy) self every day. I guess that's a good thing, even when the thing I learn doesn't seem so nice.

Namaste, my dears.

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