Saturday, January 02, 2010


Happy Twenty-Ten!

This year I resolve to make no resolutions. Hardy-har.

Seriously though, I have a tendency to fail at my resolutions. I get distracted. I lack will power. I get bored. I can't even manage to keep mid-year resolutions. So why lie and pretend that I'll keep to them this year?

Instead of resolving to do things this year, I would like to just like to do things.

I would like to create a meditation practice again.
I would like to keep walking 4-5 days a week.
I would like to create a routine for cleaning - and keeping clean - the house.
I would like to start writing the story that's been knocking around in my head.
I would like to be better about finances. (Trips to Europe don't pay for themselves!)
I would like to cook more often - in my teeny tiny kitchen.
I would like to keep in better touch with the people who are dear to me. (I take responsibility for this!)
I would like to look back on this year and think "That was a great start."

I wish you all many blessings in the coming months. And I hope you accomplish all the things you would like to do, too.



Erin said...

I agree Jess! Resolutions have always been broken by me as well. The longest running one was my getting up at 5am from 2009. I think it lasted until I got laid off (in June). But this year, I too have set none, but just want to do better at some of the same things as you...keeping up with my chore list, doing better at keeping up with our budget, reading my bible daily...that sort of stuff. I would also like to enjoy Wyatt more and not be so sensitive and love love love with all my heart especially my family, but others too!

~ jessica said...

I know what you mean, Erin. I tell myself every morning "today will be a great day" and then something happens and I let myself get angry or frustrated, and I start feeling all these negative emotions come out. I try to find something good about every person I encounter so I can work toward loving them, but it's not always easy. You just inspired me to keep trying. Hugs!