Wednesday, September 06, 2006

That was a bust

I'm house-sitting in Long Beach again. They have a mold problem. They did in June, too, but it's gotten worse. The house was built in the 50's, I believe, and apparently things such as making the cement portions of the back yard flat, or at least sloping away from the house, weren't so important back then. I can believe that things have settled, but everything slopes toward the house now, and they just had a survey done before leaving for South Africa: the mold in the walls & crawl space on the bedroom side of the house is 10x worse than outside. So I'm having a bit of difficulty getting comfortable because I can't use the fan, and it's still warm & humid down here. It reminds me of when I was at school here - moving into the dorms, starting classes, taking 3+ showers a day to keep cool because there's no AC.

Now to the point. I did some research this weekend. I was thinking of going back for my master's degree. Actually, an MFA - Master's of Fine Arts. I looked at University of Montana - Missoula; Cal State Long Beach (my alma mater); University of Edinburgh & University of Bristol (where my professor-friend grew up). The results were discouraging. It's expensive; twice as much if you're going overseas (about $10K/yr in the US, and $20K/yr in the UK - not counting living expenses, health insurance, travel, student visas, etc). The entrance requirements are transcripts of course, which would not be a problem, and I think I graduated w/ the necessarily high GPA. There is a personal goals statement that is optional in most cases but wouldn't be too hard to write. But the clincher - of course, they're writing programs after all - is a portfolio. About 20 pages of short fiction or 30 pages of poetry, or some combination of the two.

-- And actually the Univ. of Bristol only has a literature program, so that was really a bust.

Here is why it's discouraging, in addition to the money, although I think I could have found a way around that. I can't find hard copies of any of my writing... well, I have a couple pieces, but I had everything on a disc, which I thought was safe. And that disc was very suddenly wiped clean in February - I even lost my resume. But everything I wrote in college - research papers, stories, poetry - all of it was gone. Some of it was drivel, but some of it I was very proud of and at the time I was very disheartened by the loss. Now even more so because I have nothing to submit, and would have to put off my applications until I had enough writing worthy of submission. And even then, the programs are so elite that my writing would have to be very good, and I haven't written in a while. Usually 200-300 people apply, and 15-30 are accepted, in the fall term only, depending on the school.

So I've set myself the challenge of starting to write again. And about as soon as I made the decision, I was stumped. The reason I haven't written in so long is partly because I don't have any inspiration around me. I get up early, I go to work at a lame job that I don't really like - although I like most of the people very much - and then I go home. Occasionally there are little blips on the radar that shake things up (like a show), but for the most part, I'm stagnating. So writing about what I know (as they say) would be a total bore. My family's recent drama might be a good place to start, but I'm not sure I could do it without a certain sense of sarcasm.

Am I being too tough on myself? I don't know where to start. I took a class in college with something already written.... I used to write all the time... now I barely keep a journal. It's frustrating.


Kassie said...

Hang in there, Lady! I'm there with you again!!! I haven't been in a discussion group, bible study, or read anything challenging in months. I couldn't come up with something interesting to write on if the world depended on it. AAARRGGH! You probably shouldn't go with disasters, politics are horribly boring right now, and life is a bit ... well, you know. So maybe we should just dream about the what-ifs and tomorrows' possibilities. Like the bumpersticker says, "I like living in La-la Land. They know me here." HAH! Write on!! from the queen of The Writer's Block, KK

Anonymous said...

Well, you are right; you were not able to convey to me your discouragements in your findings or how unsatisfied you are with the things going on in your life lately. I also can't see what you would write about since sarcasm is sooo boring! I think this whole Blog thingy is such a waste of time for you, it's not engaging or interesting; your life seems boring from this blog and I don't look forward to reading it because of that. I really hate clicking on the link because I know I am going to be bored to death! Thanks for boring me again!

P.S. Sarcasm; it's quite fun, try it! I know you can do it! :D

jennylou said...

I've heard that some great writers purposely took boring jobs such in order to free up their creative energies for writing. Maybe it could work? My Mom has started writing every Friday afternoon--she makes herself go to a coffeeshop and write. She just writes for fun and let's her imagination go crazy. I think writing with the mindset that it has to be good enough for grad school could trip you up. Just set aside weekly time to write for fun. I've always enjoyed your writing and your blog cracks me up. :)

jennylou said...

Have you ever read Ann Lamott's "Bird by Bird"?

J.R. said...

I am not sure if Anonymous is joking or whatever, but the great thing about the internet is you don't have to click on the links you don't want to go to.

If you really find Jess' blog boaring then how about you don't visit it, and those of us who enjoy it can continue to do so.

If you where attempting sarcasm, I guess I didn't get it.

~ jessica said...

Anonymous was being sarcastic, JR. It's a friend & coworker of mine. She was trying to make a point to me, and it worked... well, for me.

All of you make very good points. And something I keep forgetting about my writing - although I remember about life in general - is that I've grown up and things have changed. Nothing can ever be like it was. So why am I worried about my writing being like it was before? And who says I won't write anything to be proud of now?

Thank you for the support. I'll try to keep you on the same page, as it were. ;)

J.R. said...

well, now I feel like an ass....


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