Well, the day before yesterday brought a little surprise for us. It turns out there was a bit of an informal contest going on at the medical facility Frankie works at; a contest to see who could bring in the most donations for ACS. It was a close call, but Frankie won. The prize? you ask. Lunch. With the same firemen who delivered the flowers to the cancer patients.
Los Angeles County Fire Dept # 29 in Baldwin Park

Being the sweetheart that she is, Frankie invited her coworkers and me to join her, and we had a fabulous couple of hours chatting and laughing with the firemen, and touring the fire station. Okay, okay. And checking them out. But can you blame us?!
The highlight of the tour was watching them play cards to determine who would have to do dishes, and getting to check out the big "hook & ladder" truck - The Queen, as they call her. This is the truck that carries the jaws-of-life, the 75 ft hydraulic ladder, and has to have a 2nd driver on the back.
We learned some interesting details about their work - like they can look forward to nearly 3 weeks "on" at a time now that brush fire season is drawing near - and that no matter how badly a guy cooks, he still has to take his turn!
Thanks again to these amazing men for all they do for the community, and for putting their lives on the line for us, day in and day out.

(Mo, Frankie, Marty, Me & Sativa w/ "The Queen")
1 comment:
SCORE for lunch w/firemen! You can look forward to me "dragging" you to firefighter community events from now on...although, you can't force the willing...hehehe. GOOD TIMES! =)
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