So, the picture that should be up on my profile is this:

That's Alex (trombone for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy) and me, lookin' all hottie. Frankie and I made the trek (ooh, all of 1.5 hours!) to Cabazon on Saturday for their show at the new Key Club at the Casino Morongo. It was fantastic. I could have wished the club was a bit fuller for the band, but it was still an awesome show. Wait. When do they not do an awesome show?
At first there was a bit of confusion. The girl at will call didn't have "the list." She assured us that Security would have "the list." But when this gigantic guy came out without a clipboard, I began to doubt her certainty. Fortunately, shortly after we meandered our way to the front of the VIP line - just in case - a much more normal looking guy came out with a BBVD logo on his shirt, and handed what looked suspiciously like "the list" to the girl, who then handed it with a clipboard to the gigantic Security guy. (Clipboards are magic!) He came over, confirmed we were on "the list," and proceeded to brand us with wrist bands.
Which he promptly took back. I called him an Indian giver (you all know the phrase), and didn't realize the irony of it until some time later - Casino Morongo, run by an Indian tribe, and I'm calling Security "Indian giver." Shrug. He made it up to us, though, by giving us new and improved wrist bands, and instructing us to go to "Sky Box One."
Sounds swank? It totally was. No one knew precicely where it was, though, but just kept pointing up. I guess that would make sense. It was this incredible room with it's own screen, a balcony and space for like 50 people! Well, not really 50, but easily 20, which I think is about how many ended up in there. There were two waitresses; that got a little annoying - every time you turned around there was a waitress trying to get you something. Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage? Probably. A fool and his money are soon parted.
What made the rockin' Sky Box extra rockin' was the fact that Alex's family showed up and we partied with his mom! We also made some new friends, Chris and Tiffany, who stopped in just to admire our room and whom we wouldn't allow to leave. Plus, once we realized that Sky Boxes Two and Three were unoccupied, we spread out and partied all over the place!
For all this, I'd like to thank Dirk. If it wasn't for his generosity, I probably wouldn't have been able to go, let alone hang with such spirited people.
Here's my other favorite picture from Saturday night. Thanks again to Dirk. Mom for dancing. Chris & Tiffany for stopping by to hang out. And Frankie for... well... you know.

I won't say anything about how cute your pic w/my brother is (haha...Alex and I related huh?) because you already know it! Anyway, it was quite a night!!!! Score for a rockin' band in a rockin' club and a rockin' skybox and a rockin' new family! Ohhhh and for jealous looks and hugs for days! Until next time....we'll see you at the San Sushi! =)
Hi jess! Up here you call them "Native Americans" and you can drive 10 miles in any direction from Olympia and hit at least 5 Casinos! They're everywhere. It was especially funny to hear about Cabazon. I grew up 20 miles from it, and at the time it was tumble weeds and a gas station with a sleezy place to gamble. My how the times are achangin!
PS You're welcome to come to my petting zoo any time :)
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